See the world by a Teyvat tour
Published: 21 May 2024

“Oh my God, it’s Genshin Impact again! What is that exactly?” Well, you may have heard the name of this game many times, but do you really know why it is so popular around the world? Follow Austin’s steps and unlock the unique cultural treasure behind its success.

On 8 November, 2023, a tag named “Furina” rushed into the top 10 trends on X in more than 30 countries, including the United States, France, Japan, and Australia, and reached first place in 16 of them. This caused a vast range of discussions. At the same time, another tag representing people’s curiosity also appeared – “Who is Furina?”

This sudden name has not been commonly seen in reports of significant events. When people clicked on this tag, they discovered that “Furina” is a new controllable character in the anime role-play game Genshin Impact. She wears a light blue hat and a French dress. She is designed to be cute and lively

What is the magic power of Genshin Impact? Why does one of its characters receive such a warm welcome?

In fact, although Genshin Impact is not exactly as famous as those top games like  Pokémon in the UK, this is not the first time that topics related to this game have attracted such high attention. Since its global release at the end of September 2020, Genshin Impact has maintained high popularity among global game players. Since its launch, related entries have appeared in the world’s top 10 trends 25 times and occupied the top five App Store game lists in European, North American, and East Asian countries for three years. It also won the Player’s Voice award at The Game Awards 2022, which symbolises its popularity. This is also the first video game developed by a small mainland Chinese company to be a global success, rather than famous game companies like Nintendo or Sony.

Furina, as one of the most popular characters in the game

Are you curious after hearing this: “What? A game developed by a small Chinese company? It seems like it has never happened before?” Stay patient, the moment to reveal the secret of Genshin Impact’s success in the world game market will be presented by Overheat!

Cameron Lowry adjusted the camera at his home, put the coffee cup next to the keyboard, checked the live broadcast equipment, and after confirming that everything was correct, he sat back in his chair and waited for the live broadcast to start at 7 pm in five minutes.

“I am now specialising in Genshin Impact related content. Every night I start a live broadcast to play this game, and about hundreds of people watch my channel every day. They enjoy the adventure in this game as much as I do. This game has become a part of my life.”

This 25-year-old from England is a loyal player of Genshin Impact. He broadcasts Genshin Impact games live on Twitch every night by using the account named Zy0xxx. When he was asked what attracted him to the game, he answered almost without that the unique multi-cultural mixture is one of the most important reasons brought to the gamers.

“What truly strikes a chord with me is how this fantasy adventure game draws inspiration from real-world cultures, that was amazing! Like Liyue’s Chinese pagodas and Mondstadt’s European buildings. I have to say these aspects are like windows into different worlds, and they exactly resonate with me on a deeply personal level because they remind me of our beautiful, diverse world.”

Genshin Impact takes place in the fantasy world of Teyvat, home to seven countries, each of which is tied to a different element and is constructed based on the cultures of different countries in reality. Travelers can travel freely and quickly through these countries.

Gaming Scene of Liyue, Genshin Impact

“I’ll never forget the time I stumbled upon Liyue’s lantern festival in-game. It felt like I was experiencing a real-world Chinese cultural event, not just playing a video game. The attention to detail and the immersive atmosphere made me feel like I was truly part of Teyvat’s rich tapestry. These moments resonate with me on a profound level, and they leave lasting impressions that stay with me long after I’ve put the controller down.”

“Can you believe that I can see those beautiful scenery based on Japan, China, and France and experience their local culture-based stories in one hour? It’s all possible in Teyvat!” Cameron said.

Coincidentally, another Genshin Impact gamer on the other side of the world in Japan gave a similar reply.

Genshin Impact’s cultural influences are just so kawaii! As a Japanese, I still remember when I saw the Japanese aesthetics of Inazuma, one of the countries in the game, I was so excited, I found my hometown with anime style in a foreign game!”

Saki Neru, a female game Youtuber from Japan with more than 23,000 followers on YouTube. She also expressed her affirmation of the multiculturalism brought by the game.

Genshin Impact‘s diverse character and region designs are like a rainbow of awesomeness! I think what makes it extra special is how it doesn’t just stop at representation; it fully embraces and celebrates different cultures. The characters are like a party with their unique stories, appearances, and abilities. This uniqueness adds a layer of excitement to my Genshin adventures, making it impossible not to smile.

Gaming Scene of Inazuma, Genshin Impact

“My favourite character was Furina from Fontaine, a French-style lovely girl but also a strong and excellent opera singer. She once brought a wonderful French opera in the game, which I love a lot and even made me interested in travelling to France.

Time for the mystery to be revealed! Furina mentioned by Saki is that character who has become the global trend. In fact, on 8 November, the French opera sung by this character attracted great attention from players from different countries around the world, making her extremely popular overnight.

“I think its cultural approach is like a global hug, and it’s super appealing to players everywhere. It’s like the game is saying, ‘Hi, let’s all be friends and explore this amazing world together!’ It fosters such a sense of community and collaboration, and it’s incredibly heartwarming to see us from different backgrounds coming together in the name of adventure.”

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Shule Zhang, Global Strategy Analyst of MiHoYo, the company that developed Genshin Impact, said: ” Our aim was to create a rich and immersive world that could resonate with players from around the globe.

“Our goal was to create a world that would not only captivate players with its gameplay but also immerse them in a diverse and culturally rich environment. The decision-making process behind selecting cultures for Genshin Impact was driven by a commitment to storytelling, inclusivity, and cultural respect, with a focus on delivering an exceptional gaming experience to players worldwide.”

When talking about how to specifically reflect multicultural elements in games, Mr. Zhang looked very proud.

“For example, in our game, the city of Mondstadt draws inspiration from European mediaeval architecture, featuring Gothic cathedrals, cobblestone streets, and lush vineyards. This European influence creates a picturesque and enchanting atmosphere within the game.

“But another region, Liyue is heavily influenced by Chinese culture, with its stunning landscapes inspired by classical Chinese ink paintings. Elements such as traditional architecture, lantern festivals, and intricate stone bridges evoke a sense of ancient China, enriching the game’s visual diversity.

“In addition to these, we also have Inazuma based in Japan, Sumeru based in Egypt and India, and the Russian-style Ice Kingdom. These make up everything in the fantasy world of Teyvat.”

Before the release of this game, no employee in MiHoYo would have thought that this game could really achieve such excellent results globally.

Every culture and every style is like pieces of chocolate with different flavours, put into the same small box. You can taste the different style to your heart’s content. Their flavours blend together, delicious, natural and not unexpected.

More importantly, through Genshin Impact, there are already more than 100 global communities on major social platforms. Gamers from all over the world share strategies every day and promote the culture represented by their respective countries. Like Saki and Cameron, they enjoy the happiness of having their country’s culture recognized by others.

Mr. Zhang said:”Our consideration of the global audience’s perspectives and expectations, along with the inclusion of diverse cultural elements, has played a significant role in Genshin Impact’s worldwide success.

“It has not only expanded our player base but also created a more inclusive and enriching gaming experience for players from diverse cultural backgrounds, fostering a global gaming community that continues to thrive.”

When asked about the possibility of cultural discrimination and ethics disputes in the game, Mr. Zhang explained that they had indeed encountered such situations, but they also found that whenever a player made a moral attack, most players still chose friendly persuasion and even worked together to respect different cultures.

“This is a good picture, where players from different national backgrounds learn from each other. This is also what we want to see. ” said Mr. Zhang.

“We sincerely hope that Genshin Impact can be more than just a video game, but can also become an important power for players around the world to know and respect each other.”


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