Can AI be used for content creation?
Published: 24 May 2024

Artificial Intelligence is getting closer, or even better than humans in some professions. What are its applications in creating online content?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is continuing to dominate various sectors of the world. In particular, generative AI, or the deep-learning models that can generate more sophisticated content, is becoming a frighteningly common use in a lot of jobs. 

One obvious example of this would be ChatGPT. Although there may be some issues with accuracy, there is almost nothing that ChatGPT cannot chat about. It can write, draw and even make music.

Asking ChatGPT to write a song

“It is difficult to think of a major industry that AI will not transform,” Andrew Ng, co-founder of Google Brain, said in a TED Talk. “This includes healthcare, education, transportation, retail, communications, and agriculture. There are surprisingly clear paths for AI to make a big difference in all of these industries.”

Not surprisingly, generative AI is now being used as a valuable partner for the creation of online content. 

If you have ever tried creating content for Youtube, or any other platform for that matter, you will have realised how many detailed tasks are required for even one scene of a video.

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Starting with what kind of content you wish to produce, which may possibly be the most energy consuming task, you need to plan the content out, begin filming and also edit the video for hours. 

This would usually take days, weeks or even months depending on the quality, if done by hand. Although this used to be the case in the early years of content creation, we can now get a helping hand from generative AI.

Content creators can benefit from AI

So how sophisticated is AI at the moment? What benefits are brought to content creators?

To begin with, today’s AI is advanced enough to brainstorm. If asked to provide ideas about a specific topic, it will give you a very detailed list of ideas that are plausible enough to work on. 

It’s also capable of in-depth research. This would especially be useful for content creators when trying to figure out audiences worth targeting or what kind of content is niche or trending.

It can also edit videos by filling it with AI-generated content, copyright free. Arduously searching for sound or visual effects to enhance your video is not a big problem anymore. 

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Nowadays, the only limitation of video content is your imagination.

However, there is just one aspect that AI has not been able to completely imitate yet, which is creativity. Although AI can brainstorm, it does not have that spark that humans can generate yet. 

“I think the future of global competition is, unambiguously, about creative talent, and I’m far from the only person who sees this as the main competition point going forward,” Vivienne Ming, executive chair and co-founder of Socos Labs said in an interview. “Everyone will have access to amazing AI. Your vendor on that will not be a huge differentiator. Your creative talent though — that will be who you are.”


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